5 CrossFit Fitness Workouts for Beginners


5 CrossFit Fitness Workouts for Beginners

What is CrossFit?

  • If this is the first time you've had the opportunity to go to a CrossFit gym, there's much to learn about the training methodology. CrossFit combines the two concepts in a full-body approach. Traditional cardio exercises are designed to raise your heart rate over extended periods, and strength exercises are created to break down muscle fibers. While it is similar to High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), the CrossFit exercises and workouts provide a more targeted focus of muscle stimulation that includes more weight lifting and anaerobic exercise.

1. DT

One of the most straightforward CrossFit exercises for beginners, the DT is one of George's favorites. Relying on an explosive set of moves that are great for building strength and muscle, this workout routine is perfect for anyone trying to bulk up while keeping their heart rate in check. According to George, he completed the DT in 3 minutes and 56 seconds. Here's how to complete the DT WOD exercise;

  • Deadlifts x 12 reps
  • Hang Power x 9 cleans reps
  • Push Jerks x 6 reps
  • Rounds: 5 rounds
  • Weight: 70 kg for men, 52.5 kg for women

2. Fran

George's CrossFit's second workout for beginners is Fran. This training plan lets you quickly go through several compound movements, targeting all major muscle groups in your entire body. This WOD workout aims to raise your heart rate and focus on burning your whole body. Starting with the most reps first and decreasing the number with the fatigue sets will help burn calories while completing most CrossFit exercises using your body weight. Here's how to effectively meet Fran;

  • Push-ups x 21 reps
  • Pull-ups x 21 reps
  • Push-ups x 15 reps
  • Pull-ups x 15 reps
  • Push-ups x 9 reps
  • Pull-ups x 9 reps
  • Rounds: Complete as fast as you can

3. Helen

Helen's third CrossFit workout for beginners, the first to incorporate traditional cardiovascular exercises. In this, you start with an entire 400m run, designed to drain your body's energy and build lactic acid. From here, you head straight for complex, compound strength moves that instantly burn off your remaining energy and help elevate your heart rate. To complete the Helen WOD exercise;

  • 400m race
  • Kettlebell swings x 21 reps
  • Pull-ups x 12 reps
  • Rounds: 3 timed rounds

4. Cindy

Cindy is George's first beginner CrossFit exercise that conforms to the AMRAP principle. This WOD exercise is based on performing as many reps as possible in the given time, which means that the required agents depend entirely on how hard you push yourself. To complete Cindy.

  • Five pull-ups
  • Ten push-ups
  • 15 aerobic squats
  • Rounds: AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible) in 20 minutes

5. Annie

 This beginner CrossFit workout is built as an inverted pyramid, with the initial activity containing the most reps as you steadily compromise as lactic acid builds up. Even though there are only two exercises in this workout, you can easily substitute one or higher intensity exercises in a change of regimen. Essentially, Annie is a simple CrossFit exercise that can easily be adapted to fit your preferred workout and training plan. To complete Annie:

  • Double Down x 50 Reps
  • Sit-ups x 50 reps
  • Double Down x 40 Reps
  • Sit-ups x 40 reps
  • Double down x 30 reps
  • Sit-ups x 30 reps
  • Double down x 20 reps
  • Sit-ups x 20 reps
  • Double down x 10 reps
  • Sit-ups x 10 reps
  • Rounds: Complete as fast as you can

Common CrossFit Mistakes

One of the biggest misconceptions about CrossFit exercises is the prevalence of injuries. While a combination of high-intensity, speed, and weight exercises can be dangerous, the most significant consideration is your physical limitations. Be sure to visit a GP before starting and check for any remaining infections. Aside from that, George explains that you should avoid a few other things when getting into CrossFit.

Machines: An exercise I can avoid is sitting on a Smith machine. Squats are one of the best exercises when done correctly, but unfortunately, you see the lot of people doing this exercise on the Smith machine, he explains. Because the movement is restricted on the blacksmith machine, you can't do the squat correctly. You have also to follow the path of the device, which is not the right way to squat, and squatting is excellent for your legs, but it's also amazing to develop your core and muscle strength as they have to Stabilize your body heavily during the movement. When performing the squat on the Smith machine, you need to develop a better core as if you were serving the exercise with a barbell only due to the device's stability due to the device's strength.
Nerves: My advice to anyone curious about sports is to book yourself; most places do a free trial, so take the initiative and go for it. There are two camps of people who have discovered CrossFit through all the fantastic documentaries available Now about the sport - one group thinks it looks cool and gets involved immediately. Still, the other group thinks it seems scary.
Being intimidated: My final advice is not to be scared; I can't stress that enough," he says. The CrossFit is the friendliest and most welcoming sport ever. Community is everything; you don't just go and train in the gym in isolation; you make outstanding bonds and meet friends for life. It becomes a lifestyle that you will become addicted to - it is the best kind of addiction, and you will never regret it.