Addiction Treatment Centers in the city of Seville


Addiction Treatment Centers in the city of Seville

There are many other addiction treatment centers in Seville that may be appropriate for each person based on their specific needs. Each one has a different approach and services provided to patients. Here are some that you can find.

Center for Drug Addiction Care (CAD) North Seville

This center has a multidisciplinary team of professionals who work closely with patients to help them overcome their addiction. They offer outpatient treatment programs that include individual and group therapy, as well as detoxification and dual patient care programs. CAD North Seville is a public and free center that accepts patients referred by the city's health services. Some of the services offered are:

  • Initial assessment: Before starting any treatment program, the CAD professional team conducts a comprehensive evaluation of each patient to determine the level of addiction and related mental health problems.

  • Outpatient treatment programs: CAD offers outpatient treatment programs that include individual and group therapy to help patients overcome their addiction. These programs also include medical and psychiatric care services.

  • Detoxification programs: CAD offers detoxification programs for patients who need help overcoming the initial phase of recovery. These programs are designed to help patients safely and supervisedly detox from drugs or alcohol.

  • Dual diagnosis care: CAD offers dual diagnosis care, which means they also provide treatment for patients struggling with mental health issues in addition to addiction. CAD professionals are trained to treat a wide range of mental health disorders.

  • Family therapy: CAD also offers family therapy to help patients rebuild healthy relationships with their loved ones. Family therapy can be an important component in the recovery process.

*Some of the features that make CAD unique include:

Multidisciplinary team: CAD has a team of professionals from different areas, such as doctors, psychologists, social workers, and therapists, who work together to provide comprehensive and personalized care to each patient.

  • Patient-centered approach: CAD's approach is patient-centered, which means it adapts to the specific needs of each patient and their recovery process.

  • Free treatment: CAD is a public and free center, making it accessible to people from different socioeconomic levels.

  • Patient referral: CAD accepts patients referred from city health services, which means patients can be referred from other health centers or by primary care physicians.

  • Confidentiality: CAD guarantees the confidentiality of each patient's information, which means all information related to treatment is handled privately and confidentially.

  • Collaboration with other centers: CAD collaborates with other treatment centers and community services to provide comprehensive care and continue the recovery process beyond the stay at the center.

  • Focus on prevention: CAD also has a focus on prevention, offering drug education and prevention programs to the community.

San Juan de Dios Therapeutic Center

This center is managed by the religious order of San Juan de Dios and offers a faith-based approach to addiction treatment. They offer a comprehensive treatment program and also have a relapse prevention program and support for the patient's family. San Juan de Dios Therapeutic Center is private and the cost of treatment depends on the type and duration of the treatment program. Some of the services offered are:

  • Initial evaluation: Before starting any treatment program, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted for each patient to determine the level of addiction and related mental health issues.

  • Residential treatment: The center offers residential treatment programs for patients who need a more intensive approach to overcoming their addiction. These programs combine individual and group therapy with recovery activities and support for recovering patients.

  • Outpatient treatment: The center also offers outpatient treatment programs that include individual and group therapy to help patients overcome their addiction. These programs also include medical and psychiatric care services.

  • Detoxification programs: The center offers detoxification programs for patients who need help overcoming the initial phase of recovery. These programs are designed to help patients detox from drugs or alcohol in a safe and supervised manner.

  • Dual diagnosis care: The center offers care for dual diagnosis patients, which means they also provide treatment to patients who struggle with mental health issues in addition to addiction. Center professionals are trained to treat a wide range of mental health disorders.

  • Family therapy: The center also offers family therapy to help patients rebuild healthy relationships with their loved ones. Family therapy can be an important component in the recovery process.

  • Relapse prevention: The center offers relapse prevention services to help patients maintain sobriety after completing their treatment. These services include maintenance therapy, community support, and self-help groups.

  • Educational programs: The center offers educational programs on addiction and mental health for patients, families, and the general community. These programs aim to raise awareness about the importance of addiction treatment and prevention.

  • Continued care services: The center offers continued care services for patients who have completed their treatment. These services include follow-up therapy and community support to help patients stay on the path to recovery.

*Some of the features that make San Juan de Dios Therapeutic CenterD unique include:

Multidisciplinary team: The center has a team of professionals from different fields, such as doctors, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and therapists, who work together to provide comprehensive and personalized care to each patient.

  • Individualized attention: The center's approach is patient-centered, which means that it adapts to the specific needs of each patient and their recovery process. Treatment is personalized for each individual.

  • Evidence-based treatment: The center uses treatments and therapies based on scientific evidence and best clinical practices, ensuring their effectiveness and safety.

  • Welcoming environment: The center offers a welcoming and peaceful environment for patients, with comfortable rooms and spaces for recreation and leisure.

  • Specialized care programs: In addition to standard treatment programs, the center offers specialized care programs for patients who require specific treatment for eating disorders, trauma, or general mental health issues.

  • Therapeutic community: The center has a therapeutic community that promotes recovery and mutual support among patients. Patients can share their experiences and support each other on the path to recovery.

  • Family support: The center provides support to the families of patients through family therapy and education about addiction and recovery. Family support is an important part of the patient's recovery process.

  • Commitment to the community: The center is committed to the community in which it operates and works in collaboration with community organizations and services to improve the prevention and treatment of addiction and mental health issues.

Seville Ambulatory Drug Treatment Center (CTAD)

This center offers outpatient treatment services for people with addiction problems. Patients can receive individual and group therapy, as well as support services for relapse prevention. CTAD Seville also offers medical and psychiatric care services for patients with addiction disorders and mental health problems. It is a public and free center that accepts patients referred by the city's health services. Some of the services offered are:

  • Evaluation and diagnosis: Before starting any treatment program, a comprehensive evaluation of each patient is conducted to determine the level of addiction and related mental health problems.

  • Outpatient treatment: CTAD offers outpatient treatment programs that include individual and group therapy to help patients overcome their addiction. These programs also include medical and psychiatric care services.

  • Detoxification: The center offers detoxification programs for patients who need help overcoming the initial phase of recovery. These programs are designed to help patients detoxify from drugs or alcohol safely and under supervision.

  • Dual diagnosis care: CTAD offers care for dual diagnosis patients, which means they also provide treatment for patients struggling with mental health problems in addition to addiction. The professionals at the center are trained to treat a wide range of mental health disorders.

  • Family therapy: The center also offers family therapy to help patients rebuild healthy relationships with their loved ones. Family therapy can be an important component in the recovery process.

  • Relapse prevention: CTAD offers relapse prevention services to help patients stay sober after completing their treatment. These services include maintenance therapy, community support, and self-help groups.

  • Educational programs: The center offers educational programs on addiction and mental health for patients, families, and the community at large. These programs aim to raise awareness about the importance of addiction treatment and prevention.

  • Continuing care services: CTAD offers continuing care services for patients who have completed their treatment. These services include follow-up therapy and community support to help patients stay on the path to recovery.

  • Specific programs for women and youth: The center has specific programs for women and youth that address the unique needs of these groups in their recovery process.

*Some of the features that make CTAD unique include:

  • Focus on quality of life: CTAD focuses on improving the quality of life of patients through addiction recovery and improving their overall mental and physical health.

  • Highly trained professionals: The center has a team of highly trained and experienced professionals in the treatment of addiction and mental health disorders, including psychologists, social workers, nurses, and specialized physicians.

  • Personalized care: Each patient receives personalized care tailored to their specific needs and individual recovery process.

  • Evidence-based treatment: CTAD uses evidence-based treatments and therapies based on scientific evidence and best clinical practices to ensure effectiveness and safety.

  • Accessibility: The center strives to make treatment services accessible to everyone, offering affordable payment options and accepting most health insurances.

  • Confidentiality: Privacy and confidentiality are a priority at CTAD, and all patients have the right to privacy and protection of their personal data.

  • Family integration: CTAD recognizes the importance of family in the recovery process and works with patients and their loved ones to rebuild healthy and positive relationships.

  • Long-term follow-up: The center offers long-term follow-up services to help patients stay on the path to recovery after completing their treatment.

Nuevo Amanecer Residential Treatment Center.

This center offers a 12-step residential program for patients who need a more intensive approach to overcome their addiction. The program combines individual and group therapy with recovery activities and support for recovering patients. Nuevo Amanecer Residential Treatment Center has a team of experienced addiction professionals who work closely with patients to help them achieve their recovery goals. It is a private center and the cost of treatment depends on the type and duration of the treatment program. Some of the services offered are:

  • Complete assessment: Before beginning any treatment, a complete assessment is conducted to determine the level of addiction and related mental health issues.

  • Residential treatment: The center offers residential treatment programs that provide a safe and structured environment for recovery. Patients live at the center and receive intensive and personalized treatment.

  • Individual and group therapy: Treatment programs include individual and group therapy to help patients overcome their addiction. Patients receive emotional support and learn skills to manage triggers and prevent relapse.

  • Supervised detoxification: The center offers supervised detoxification programs to help patients safely and effectively detox from drugs and alcohol.

  • Dual diagnosis care: The center provides care for dual diagnosis patients, meaning it also provides treatment for patients struggling with mental health issues in addition to addiction.

  • Family therapy: The center offers family therapy to help patients rebuild healthy relationships with their loved ones. Family therapy can be an important component in the recovery process.

  • Continuing care services: The center offers continuing care services for patients who have completed their treatment. These services include follow-up therapy and community support to help patients stay on the path to recovery.

  • Specific programs for women and youth: The center has specific programs for women and youth that address the unique needs of these groups in their recovery process. Programs include individual and group therapy, education, and emotional support.

*Some of the features that make Nuevo Amanecer Residential Treatment Center unique include:

  • Variable duration programs: The center offers treatment programs of different durations, from 30 days to 90 days or more, to adapt to the needs of each patient. This allows patients to receive the necessary care for their recovery and prepare for a sober and healthy life.

  • Comprehensive medical care: The center has a highly trained medical team that provides comprehensive medical care to patients. This includes complete medical evaluations, care for physical and mental health issues, and pharmacological therapy to treat addiction and mental health disorders.

  • Nature-based therapy: The center uses nature-based therapy to help patients connect with nature and experience the healing benefits of the outdoors. This may include hiking, gardening, and other outdoor activities.

  • Spirituality focus: The center recognizes the importance of spirituality in the recovery process and offers spiritual therapy to help patients find meaning and purpose in their lives. This may include meditation, yoga, and other spiritual approaches.

  • Culturally sensitive care: The center offers culturally sensitive care, recognizing the diversity of patients and adapting treatments and therapies to the cultural and linguistic needs of each patient.

Nuevo Día Addiction Treatment Center

This center offers residential treatment for people struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol, as well as other addictive behaviors. The center also provides medical care and pharmacological therapy if necessary. Additionally, the center has follow-up programs for patients who have completed their treatment, to help them stay on the path to recovery. Some of the services offered are:

  • Residential Treatment: The center offers residential treatment programs for individuals struggling with addiction to drugs, alcohol, and other addictive behaviors. Patients receive intensive and personalized treatment in a safe and structured environment.

  • Assessment and Diagnosis: Before beginning any treatment, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to determine the level of addiction and related mental health issues. This helps to develop a treatment plan tailored to the needs of each patient.

  • Comprehensive Medical Care: The center has a highly trained medical team that provides comprehensive medical care to patients. This includes complete medical evaluations, treatment for physical and mental health issues, and pharmacological therapy to treat addiction and mental health disorders.

  • Individual and Group Therapy: Treatment programs include individual and group therapy to help patients overcome their addiction. Patients receive emotional support and learn skills to manage triggers and prevent relapse.

  • Supervised Detoxification: The center offers supervised detoxification programs to help patients safely and effectively detox from drugs and alcohol.

  • Dual Diagnosis Care: The center provides care for dual diagnosis patients, which means that it alsoprovides treatment for patients struggling with mental health issues in addition to addiction.

  • Family Therapy: The center offers family therapy to help patients rebuild healthy relationships with their loved ones. Family therapy can be an important component in the recovery process.

  • Follow-up Programs: The center has follow-up programs for patients who have completed their treatment. These programs help patients stay on the path to recovery and prevent relapse.

*Some of the features that make Nuevo Día Addiction Treatment Center unique include:

  • Evidence-based therapy: The center uses evidence-based therapies to ensure that patients receive effective and scientifically proven treatment. Some of the therapies used include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

  • Recreational and art activities: The center offers recreational and art activities to help patients find new forms of expression and enjoy their free time. This may include sports, art therapy, and other playful activities.

  • Focus on nutrition: The center recognizes the importance of nutrition in the recovery process and offers healthy and balanced meal options for patients. Patients also receive education on nutrition and learn to care for their body and mind holistically.

  • Financial counseling services: The center offers financial counseling services to help patients recover financially and plan for their future after treatment. This includes help with debt management and long-term financial planning.

  • Warm and welcoming environment: The center strives to create a warm and welcoming environment for patients, so they feel safe and comfortable during their stay. Patients are treated with respect and compassion at all times.

  • Personalized attention: The center offers a personalized approach to treating each patient. Treatment plans are tailored to the individual needs of each patient to ensure they receive the best possible care.

It is important to note that treatment plans will vary depending on the needs of each patient, with the goal of helping them achieve lasting recovery and a full and healthy life. Therefore, it is recommended to obtain more information about their services by visiting their website for each center or contacting them directly.